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Services for the Elderly
Elderly Programs promote community living and independence for individuals age 65 or older that require the level of care provided in a
nursing home. These programs offer services and support that meet the individual's needs and prevent or delay the transition to a nursing
home or similar setting. These programs offer services that are not commonly covered by basic health insurance.
In order to be eligible for Elderly Programs, the individual needs to be over age 65 and require care similar to the type of care someone
may receive in a nursing home. There are also income and asset guidelines that must be met to qualify for Elderly Programs.
Programs available for the elderly include the Elderly Waiver and Alternative Care. Please visit the following links for more information:
A MnCHOICES assessment will need to be completed in order to determine eligibility for Elderly Programs. If you are interested in having an assessment
completed for yourself or a loved one, contact: Becker County Human Services at 218-847-5628 and ask for Adult Services Intake.
For more information about the MnCHOICES assessment, see: