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Planning & Zoning
Kyle Vareberg - Administrator
Planning & Zoning News...
The Becker County Planning and Zoning Department is responsible for planning and managing programs to protect health and the
environment. This department is involved in enforcing a variety of ordinances, guiding future development, and providing
educational information to the citizens.
Our Mission is to promote the judicious use of our vast resources while protecting and preserving "Our" environment. Our staff
is dedicated to serving our citizens and protecting the environment and resources.
Planning & Zoning Contact List
List of Zoning Employees with emails
Title |
Name |
Email |
Planning & Zoning Administrator |
Kyle Vareberg |
SSTS Inspector |
Jeff Rusness |
Zoning Technician |
Tyler Lindsay |
Zoning Technician |
Wayne Leitheiser |
Zoning Technician/E911 Coordinator |
Nikki Bradbury |
General Questions |
General Questions |