Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Other Requirements
The Natural Resources Management Department will comply with all applicable environmental and social laws, regulations and
other requirements to which the department makes a commitment to adhere. The department will also comply with the Minnesota Voluntary
Site-Level Forest Management Guidelines and other best management practices. To ensure compliance the department will:
- Identify the legal and other requirements that apply to our operations.
- Track changes to legal and other requirements to ensure we have current information about our obligations and adjust our
activities to meet changing requirements.
- Participate in and promote the development and adoption of policies and legislation that are balanced, scientifically,
technically, and fiscally sound, and provide a basis for improving environmental performance.
- Require all our employees and operators that conduct field activities to be trained in best management practices and keep
informed of the legal and other requirements that apply to their work activities.
- Work with employees and operators to ensure consistent interpretation and application of all applicable requirements on our lands.
- Inspect all our operations to ensure compliance.