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Environmental Policy
Sustainable Forest Management Policy
As the manager of public lands in Becker County, the Natural Resources Management Department operates on a commercial basis and is
required to ensure that an optimal financial return is attained from the use of the forest lands managed by the department. At the
same time the department also has a duty to the people of the county to maintain the recreational and other social values of the forest
resource and to protect the long-term sustainability of the resource. Sustainable forest management is about striking a balance between
economic, social, and environmental values in a manner that protects all of these values over time.
The Natural Resources Management Department is committed to the principles of sustainable forest management and will manage the lands
in our care in accordance with those principles. We will establish a sustainable forest management system (SFMS) that will help us
achieve our goals and be environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable. Through our SFMS we commit to:
(Links in the list below will open individual sections within the SFMS)
- under our management.
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- of the Sustainable Forest Management principles.
- Plan and conduct forest management activities in a manner that:
- across the forest ecosystem;
- prevents damage and ;
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- such as cultural, ecological, geological, economic or social attributes; and
- of forest products.
- to improve sustainable forest management.
- values by providing opportunities for dispersed recreation on County lands.
- on forest ecology, sustainable forest management, and the economic values of forests.
- on forest management plans, policies, and county performance.
- to the County Board, employees, the public and other stakeholders.
- regarding management activities within and adjacent to reservation lands and to solicit their input.
- to perform their responsibilities with the highest degree of professionalism.
- of the SFMS through regular reviews and audits.