Waste Diversion & Reuse Program


Over the years it was observed that demolition type material being disposed of at the Becker County Demolition landfill contained a percentage of usable items. There was not an outlet in our community for demolition items such as lumber, doors, cabinetry, etc.

The Becker County Waste Diversion and Material Reuse Pilot project began in September of 2020. We partnered with Better Futures Minnesota and the Natural Resources Research Institute at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, with the support of Becker County Board of Commissioners.

Reclaimed chests and trunks

Why this Project

Becker County, with its partners, are demonstrating the significant, multiple benefits of diverting household goods and building materials from the landfill.

Each year, Becker County residents and businesses throw away many tons of material, but some of this material still has a useful life or can be used for a new purpose. By diverting reusable materials at this transfer station, the County is reducing its landfill and hauling costs, creating new jobs, and reducing the release of harmful emissions.

The County is offering these used materials and products for sale to residents at a very affordable price.

Various reclamined items

Opportunities for Residents & Businesses

Residents and contractors can support this effort by helping staff identify and set aside reusable products and materials upon entry at the Transfer Station, or at drop off sites around the landfill. Also, residents and businesses are invited to purchase the products harvested.

Reclaimed sinks

Questions? Call: 218-846-7310

Examples of Useable Items

Various reclaimed items