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Lee Brekke - County Assessor

Lee Brekke
The Becker County Assessor is appointed by the County Board of Commissioners and approved by the Minnesota Commissioner
of Revenue. He/she supervises the property assessments of all townships and cities within the county. The property assessments
are made by State accredited and certified appraisal staff from the county office and by State certified assessors hired by
townships and cities. The assessor's office maintains assessment records on approximately 29,200 taxable properties and
approximately 3,339 tax exempt properties.
The assessor's office provides township and city assessors with value and classification schedules to be used as guidelines.
These schedules are developed and maintained through sales ratio studies completed by county office staff. These studies are
used by the County Assessor to adjust and equalize all values between individual properties, taxing districts, school districts,
and adjacent counties.
The assessor's office provides information to property owners, appraisers, real estate personnel, attorneys, banks and the
general public. Most information in the assessor's office is public, except for data subject to the data privacy act.
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